* Bots marked as NSFW will only be visible if the user turned off the NSFW filter.
- Follow the Discord Developer TOS. Breaking the TOS can lead to us reporting your bot, and disabling your account.
- Minimal NSFW. NSFW should not be accessible in channels not marked as NSFW.
Page Content
- Your bot's page content should not advertise another bot, or unrelated site.
- Provide details about your bot. We love seeing detailed, and explanatory descriptions.
- No scripts. Your bot's page should not include any scripts that can be malicious to the end-user.
- No NSFW. Unless your bot has been marked as NSFW, your bot's page should NOT include NSFW materials.
Bot Features
- Your bot should not advertise another bot.
- Your bot should not be used for malicious reasons, or mass dms.
- User-Friendly. Your bot should have a help command to ease the usage of your bot.
- Voting is not a currency. You should not limit features to users who voted, however adding perks is allowed.